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From JohnM: 20mm WWII German Late War Vehicles (126 points)

John has been quite taken by the Chain of Command rules and so has been busy building models and terrain for a future D-Day campaign using the system.

From John
German WWII Late War Vehicles
This will be the first of what I am hoping will be a total of 2-3 WWII German Vehicle submissions, I am putting together a 1944 Normandy campaign for Chain of Command. Several vehicles were needed for the Germans, so I have been busy painting away. They were all primed with with BF Late War German Armour and then airbrushed with brown and red for camouflage. I quite like how this came out, I am not a big fan of the paisley patterned camouflage you often see.
First up is a SdKfz 251/1 from Plastic Soldier Company. I really can say nothing negative about this model. Lots of options, in the box, I had already painted the command version Sd.Kfz 251/10 and just bought a box of the specialized versions with flamethrowers and other nice things. PanzerGrenadiers are tough nuts in CoC and this is my first squad.

Next up is a Sd.Kfz 10/4 with a 2 cm FlaK 30. This model is from SHQ miniatures, as are the rest of the models in this submission. Metal, nice and hefty but a bit of work to assemble.

We then have a MC reconnaissance team with a mounted LMG. I took this from the PSC box, did a bit of drilling a stuck it on. I could not meet the challenge of mounting the vehicle number on the front rim, so they have been placed on the rear of the side car.

Next is a pioneer squad in 2 Kubelwagons, I may stick on some more pioneer type stuff, we will see.
The Tank Hunters are in a captured Universal Carrier, in the German nomenclature a Panzerjager Bren 731e. Pretty cool, I thought.

Last up is Kfz 81, specialized to fire and tow a 2 cm AI Gun. well more to come soon. All the vehicles have vehicle numbers, they were very fiddly to put on.

Very nice work John. I checked out your upcoming Normandy mini-campaign and it looks very interesting. I'm eager to see how it all unfolds.

These German vehicles will give John 126 points. Well done!

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